It is known that Telugu Film Industry is conducting a Charity event for Hudhud Cyclone Victims of Vishakapatnam on 30th of this month. Tollywood Stars and other technicians will descend on the stage that day and will perform to pool money. However it is said that the event will not be affordable for common fans who want to see their favourite stars directly on stage. The organizers have set the ticket price as a whopping ‘One Lakh Per Couple’ for that evening.
The event will take place in the limited capacity Annapurna 7 Acres Studio and the most of the tickets will be picked up by industry biggies, industrialists and politicians in Hyderabad. Even though the ticket price is high, there is a great demand for the ticket prices. “We want to have fans for the event but money pooling for cyclone victims is the primary objective.
So we are quoting hefty prices” said a source in the film chamber. The 1 Lakh Ticket holders will have a chance to dine with their favourite stars. Enthusiastic fans can try their luck with 3000 Rupees per ticket for the celebrity cricket match which will take place on 30th morning. However the event, dine with stars and the cricket match will be telecast on Gemini TV, the official rights holder of the event.