Superstar Mahesh Babu has turned nostalgic as his blockbuster Srimanthudu turned 1 year. Released on Aug 7, 2015, Srimanthudu went onto become the second-highest grossing film after Baahubali and set industry record. Recalling the old memories, Mahesh described the team as ‘amazing’ team and recalled how he enjoyed working with the team with lots of happiness.
Mahesh took to his social networking page and wrote, “Thanks for all your love, today we celebrate 1 year since #Srimanthudu release. I look back at the whole experience of working with an amazing team with lots of happiness and fond memories..Cheers to Team Srimanthudu”.
The family drama with social message of adopting villages has many firsts. Srimanthudu saw Shruti Haasan pairing up with Mahesh Babu for first time and the chemistry between the duo was refreshing. The film also cemented Jagapathi Babu’s second innings that took off with Legend. Above all, director Koratala Siva’s major contribution – both writing, direction – for the film is one of the major factors that led the film to blockbuster.
Then debutante producers Naveen Yerneni, Ravi Yalamanchili, Mohan Cherukuri have made their debut into film production under the banner of Mythri Movie Makers.With Mahesh Babu post, it’s pretty clear that the star is going to team up with the team shortly. While Mahesh would be working with Koratala soon after AR Murugadoss film, Mahesh is expected to team up with Mythri Movie Makers once again and it’s likely to have Trivikram Srinivas on board