Our Telugu film producers who are waiting with completed films in hard disks, are said to be eagerly waiting for the lockdown to be lifted by June first week at the least. Already many producers are said to have been checking at Producers Guild discussion about the likely release date they want for their films.
Nearly 11 films are trying to grab June 5 and June 12, the first and second Fridays of the month. But then, its too early to fix on those dates because there is no clarity, not just on lockdown, but how COVID-19 is going to end up.
The number of positive cases in India are rising, as the country stood at 6,700 cases on April 10th after nearly testing 30,000 people so far. If more number are tested and cases rise, then there is no way cinema halls will be opened in the next three months, say epidemic experts.
Everything has come to a standstill due to the Covid-19 outbreak in India and the subsequent lockdown that was announced by Prime Minister Modi, which will be completed in five more days. But then, there is the buzz everywhere that the lockdown might get extended to April 30th.
Though Centre might go-ahead to lift lockdown in the manufacturing sector, they might not open theatres, shopping malls and other public spaces very early.
We have to see how these June 1st week plans of our Telugu producers will shape out, anyway.