After Devendra Fadnavis took oath as BJP’s first CM of Maharashtra on October 31, he gave a series of interviews in the next few days to the media. But he was bowled with one interviewer and that was done by 11 year old school girl.Drishti Harchandrai is a student of Class V at Mumbai’s JB Petit School. She lives in Malabar Hill, near the Sahyadri guest house, where the Chief Minister is currently staying.
As part of her school homework Drishti wanted to interview a prominent person and she have chosen none other tahn chief minsiter.But utter to her bad luck teh chief minsiter security personnel not allowed her inside and she was sent home by the security men. Saddened with that she wrote a letter one full sheet of her school exercise book. “The security guards are not allowing me in, if and when you get my letter please call on my cell number… I need an interview for school,” she wrote. At last that letter reached to Devendra and he immedialtly invited the girl to his home and patiently answered all the questions asked by the girl.
The Maharashtra CM shared his experience in a series of tweets on the micro-blogging site Twitter. ‘’I got a surprising message yesterday, when I was busy with my work in the government guest house in Mumbai..Drishti Harchandani, a school girl wanted to interview me. She could not enter the office as the security persons did not allow her. So she sent a letter and gave her number and address so that I should communicate with her. She wanted to confirm that she was communicating to the CM himself. I was pleasantly surprised by her persistence and curiosity.
I invited her in the office.She asked questions like what would I do for education sector&how our Govt would control price rise,just like a Professional Journalist.’’Said Devendra Fadnavis