Producer Bellamkonda Suresh is saying that his son’s debut film Alludu Seenu has collected 40 crores at the box office. But the fact is this film managed to reach 25 crores mark and the business has almost closed in most of the areas. So Alludu Seenu may not get much from the theatricals hereon.
The satellite rights of Alludu Seenu were reportedly sold for 4.5 crores. Therefore the film will make around 30 crores including all the rights. This film is made on a budget of 38 crore as per sources. More than 3 crore rupees have been spent on the publicity alone. This number could go up if one includes the interest rates and other unaccounted expenses.
As of now Bellamkonda Suresh will lose around 12 crore rupees on the film. However he is a happy father as his son got a dream launch with Alludu Seenu and got recognition among the masses. We have been hearing reports about producers from other languages vying for the remake rights of this film.
A section of media is spreading ridiculous rumors saying that people are willing to pay more than four crores for the remake rights of this film. Even if you generously add that amount to the Alludu Seenu earnings, it would end up as a cost failure for the producer. Distributors of this film earned decent profits though.