Baahubali 2, a film that was expected to become India’s first Rs 1000 crore film has done even better. The Rajamouli directorial has now become the first film to amass Rs 1500 crore at worldwide box office. The film has achieved this feat in less than 3 weeks and that too without the support of collections from China.
As per reliable trade reports, Baahubali has raked in 1225+ crore in India and 275 crore overseas to take its worldwide tally to 1500+ crore. The official twitter handle of Baahubali has also confirmed this outstanding achievement.The visual masterpiece has significantly slowed down at box office after its third week of run but it still is raking decent moolah and remains No.1 at box office across markets.
Meanwhile, with the help of China, Aamir Khan’s Dangal is closely following Baahubali 2. The wrestling drama has stunned the world by collecting Rs 500 crore from China alone.