After scoring a hit like ‘Arjun Suravaram’, young hero Nikhil Siddharth had an unexpected two-year break in his career. His films got postponed repeatedly and Nikhil became emotional about it too. But he overcame all the hurdles and scored a massive blockbuster in the form of ‘Karthikeya 2’. Nikhil hoped for a good hit in Telugu but it got a huge reception in North India too. The film grossed over 100 crores which is a huge achievement for Nikhil and the North Indian audience are watching his previous film on Youtube now.
The effect of ‘Karthikeya 2’ is definitely going to be on his upcoming releases. His pan-Indian film ‘Spy’ is till under production but ’18 Pages’ was made ready a long time back. Produced under ‘GA2 Pictures’ by Bunny Vas, the film also has Sukumar’s banner attached to it since he wrote the script. Palnati Surya Pratap who made ‘Kumari 21F’ earlier is handling the megaphone.
Anupama Parameswaran who is the female lead in ‘Karthikeya 2′ will be romancing Nikhil in ’18 Pages’ too. Reports suggest that the film is undergoing some changes now. Sources say that Sukumar is not completely satisfied with the final cut and suggested a few changes. With Nikhil increasing his market recently, it is necessary for him to solidify it with another hit. This is the reason why the team has decided to re-shoot some sequences.
Gopi Sundar is the music composer while Navin Nooli is the editor. The makers are yet to announce a release date and the audience are eagerly waiting for the film’s trailer. But the team is making sure that everything falls in place as success is quite crucial for Nikhil as well as producer Bunny Vas. ‘Chaavu Kaburu Challaga’ and ‘Pakka Commercial’ which were produced by Bunny Vas under the ‘GA2 Pictures’ banner tanked at the box office. The success rate of ‘Geetha Arts’ compound got affected by these recent flops and he needs ’18 Pages’ to become a good hit. Let us wait and see what happens.