2 Decades Later People’s Perception Changed In Iraq!

America lectures other nations about freedom. But if we look at the history of the United States, it is irresponsible for a disastrous situation in a few nations. Iraq is one of them. Back in 2003, the US sent thousands of its troops to capture the Middle East nation.

The Iraqi invasion marks two decades. Over the years there has been no big development in the country. The war was finished after the troops captured the ousted Iraqi President. Two decades after the war a survey was conducted to know the public pulse.

The survey was conducted to know what people think about the current situation. While 60 percent of the respondents said that the situation became worse, 40 percent of people said the situation became better.

The opinion of people has changed over the years. When the same question was asked in 2003, two out of three people said that the situation is worse. Cut to now, only one out of three people said the situation is not good. This shows that public opinion changed over the situation in Iraq.

The shocking thing is that around 54 percent of the Sunni Muslims said that their lives were good under the rule of President Saddam Hussein. A few of them also said that the US led the war against Iraq for the natural resources it has.

Seeing the situation turning tense in Iraq, the then-President of the United States George W. Bush decided to invade the nation. The forces led by the US took control of the nation and even hanged Saddam Hussein. It’s been two long decades for this.