Nani has suffered a series of flops before bouncing back with Bhale Bhale Magadivoi. This entertainer has not only given him the much needed hit but also boosted his dwindling confidence. Most of the hits in Nani’s career were pure entertainers. Be it Ashta Chamma, Ala Modalaindi or Bhale Bhale, Nani scored big hits with these comedies. Despite being aware of this stat, Nani is once again taking risk by attempting a murder mystery. Nani will be seen in a thriller film directed by Mohana Krishna Indraganti. He is the director who has introduced Nani as hero with the movie Ashta Chamma.
Nani is paying back to his mentor and guru by signing up a movie under him after scoring a big blockbuster. Mohana Krishna has not been in a good form of late but Nani is not bothered about those things and simply doing this out of gratitude. Nani always has this penchant for attempting different genres but sadly things didn’t turn out as expected. Let’s see if this movie works out and gives him the confidence of trying out different genres.