New Delhi: Panasonic India on Thursday announced the release of its security-oriented smartphone, the Eluga Mark. Available at a price of Rs. 11,990, the Eluga Mark comes enabled with enhanced privacy features such as a fingerprint sensor and Android-For-Work for enhanced IT security and BYOD support. Panasonic’s latest offering comes with complete protection for personal accounts, cloud data and the fingerprint touch sensor allows single touch access where users can configure up to 8 different finger prints at a single point of time. The Mark utilises Android 5.1 (Lollipop) OS and a 1.5 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon Octa Core processor. It comes loaded with 2GB RAM alongwith 16GB internal memory, expandable up to 32GB with the use of a micro SD. One the camera front, the device comes equipped with A 13MP rear camera optimised by LED flash and a 5 MP front facing lens. Equipped with a full 4G connectivity and advanced A-GPS global positioning technology, the dual SIM model runs on a mega-capacity 2500 mAh battery for longer, smother operations.
The device features a 5.5-inch IPS display available in either a Royal Gold or Metallic Grey finish. The Eluga Mark comes with the FitHome user interface engineered exclusively by Panasonic, which is distinctive in nature and enables single thumb-flick access to applications on the home screen. Commenting on the launch, Mr. Pankaj Rana, Business Head – Mobility Division, Panasonic India, said, “In 2016 we would be focusing on “Make in India” and 4G enabled devices by targeting international markets and regions.”