Twitter erupted in angry reactions after the Bombay high court acquitted superstar Salman Khan of killing a homeless man in a hit-and-run crash 13 years ago. The HC said a lower court had erred in finding Khan guilty of culpable homicide at the end of his trial in May, when he was subsequently sentenced to five years in prison.
The hashtag #SalmanVerdict was the top trend all of Thursday and was still trending on Friday morning. Internet giant Google has been unwittingly drawn into the discussion online because of its self-driving car project which it says will be road tested and available to the public by 2020.
Salman Khan, who is accused of drunkenly driving over pavement dwellers in September 2002 and killing one, was found not guilty by the High Court.Salman Khan, who will be 50 at the end of this month, was convicted of culpable homicide not amounting to murder and sentenced to five years in jail by a Sessions Court in May. The High Court later granted him bail pending an appeal and has now ruled that he cannot be convicted based on the evidence produced by the prosecution.