For the first of its kind in Telugu film industry, a Telugu movie was shot in the exotic locales of Norway. Ram-Rashi Khanna starrer Shivam is the one which achieved this rare feat. The unit apparently camped in Norway for 12-long days and shot over 3 songs in the picturesque locales of Norway.
Considering the chilling climate of Norway, shooting 3 songs in such a short time is said to be another breakthrough. Tipped to be an out and out commercial entertainer laced with good doses of comedy, the film is expected to showcase Energetic Star Ram’s engaging performance.
It’s heard that Rashi’s presence would rev up the glam quotient in the film giving a visual treat to audiences. Directed by newcomer Sreenivasa Reddy, the movie said to have shaped up well and gearing up on Oct 2 release.
Rockstar music composer Devi Sri Prasad has rendered tunes while well-known cinematographer Rasool Ellore cranked his camera. The recently released music has been received well. Kandireega star Ram is keeping his fingers crossed.