Superstar Nagarjuna’s debut TV show Meelo Evaru Koteeswarudu (MEK) has become an instant hit. The show soon made it to top charts with high TRPs and was a rage among households. Considering its humongous popularity and well reception from audience, MAA TV is now all set for the second season of the show Meelo Evaru Koteeswarudu 2 (MEK 2).
The latest buzz is that MEK 2 will begin on Dec 8th (Monday) at 9.30 PM. Aired from Monday to Friday in a week, the programmed will be telecast at prime time 9.30 PM. Claiming that the first season was super hit and watched by over 4 Crore, MAA TV released a statement. In the statement, it stated, “We’ve got 34.50 Lakh SMSes and IVRS responses for the Call for Entry (CFE) conducted between October 9 and October 18 for MEK 2.
After a rigorous selection process, we short listed eligible candidates for the show.” While the second season is back just after four months after its first season, MAA TV claimed, “It is unheard of in the Indian TV space for this most popular game show format.” It further stated that MEK is a “clean entertainer” providing “wholesome entertainment” and caters to people of all walks of life. Let’s wait and see whether the second season beats the first season of MEK or trails behind it.