The sizzling beauty Shriya Saran, who was last seen in Telugu in a special song in Krishnavamsi Directorial Nakshatram, and in Tamil in the Simbu starrer Anbanavan Asarathavan Adangathavan, has been grabbing the eyeballs of many, despite not being flooded with offers, by making the perfect moves off-screen.The slender wonder, who’s often seen as the showstopper of many fashion shows has been making waves with clicks taken in her ongoing holiday, which she frequently updates in her official Instagram account.
While she had posted several teasing clicks of her in beach attires that sent fans going gaga, early today, Shriya Saran has uploaded a pic of her in a red hot bikini, with some stunning underwater photography by Anupjkat which is sure to make fans drool over her perfect hourglass figure.
The 35-year-old Ageless beauty has been giving a run for the money for her contemporaries like Trisha, with her stunning physique, and ultra glamorous, hot looks. On the work front, Shriya Saran will be seen next in Telugu in Veera Bhoga Vasantha Rayulu with Nara Rohit, and in Tamil in Karthick Naren Directorial Naragasooran costarring Arvind Swamy and Sundeep Kishan.