Critically acclaimed Bollywood director Anurag Kashyap is known for making unconventional films and touching dark genres that no established director dare to touch. The maker of cults films such as Dev D, No Smoking, Gangs of Wasseypur, Raman Raghav 2.0 etc. seems to have chosen an unconventional route when it comes to his personal life too.
Anurag, a two-time divorcee, is now in deep love with a young girl named Shubhra Shetty. The pictures of the duo are all over his social media pages. She is just 23-year-old while the director is 44. Kashyap has a 16-year-old daughter, Aaliya. The fact that his lady love is just a few years older than his daughter makes this pair grab many eye-balls.
Kashyap first married to Aarti Bajaj in 2003. After six year of togetherness, the duo called off their wedding in 2009. Later, he dated actress Kalki Koechlin and married her in 2011. He divorced her after four years of marriage.
Shubhra Shetty is the third love of Anurag’s life. Anurag and Shubhra have yet to formally announced their relationship.