Director Rajamouli’s dad and veteran screenwriter Vijayendra Prasad is credited with writing the story and screenplay for the Bollywood blockbuster Bajrangi Bhaijaan starring Salman Khan and Kareena Kapoor. The Salman Khan starrer film that minted over Rs 300 crore alone in India will have television premiere today (October 11th) in Star Gold.
Bajrangi Bhaijaan is expected to fetch Star Gold over Rs.60 crore in advertising and sponsorship revenue in a year’s time. The second screening of the film will occur after a gap of a few weeks. About Rs. 50 crore is expected to be made from the first two television screenings of the film.
Nearly six sponsors have been signed up by Star India for the film’s TV premiere. These include e-commerce firms Amazon India,, and telecom operator Vodafone India Ltd.
Star India has the broadcast as well as digital rights to the film that it plans to exploit on its mobile-streaming app Hotstar. Right after the television premiere, Baahubali will have exclusive premiere in Hotstar.
Considering the massive success of the film, premiering it on television would have been a money-spinning prospect for any channel. Star Gold is lucky enough to grab the rights