Apart from NTR’s biopic with Balakrishna, filmmaker Teja has been confirmed to direct Victory Venkatesh under the joint-production of Suresh Productions and Anil Sunkara 14 Reels Entertainments. Although the pooja ceremony of the film was finished long back, the director took out sometime to scout several newcomers for other important roles.
Finally, the principal photography of Teja-directorial will get started on 12th March and the first schedule of shoot is planned in Old City, Hyderabad.
Titled as ‘Aata Naade – Veta Naade’, this film will have senior beauty Shriya Saran as leading lady. Off late, the 35-year old Shriya Saran has widely become the one-go for most of the senior actors like Venkatesh, Balakrishna, Nagarjuna, Arvind Swamy (Tamil) and Mohan Babu.
Given that the film will feature 70% of fresh faces, makers are sure going to save huge chunk of the film’s budget. Suresh Babu, who also produced Teja’s ‘Nene Raju Nene Manthri’ starring Rana Daggubati and Kajal Aggarwal, had cracked the deal to collaborate his brother Venkatesh with the maverick filmmaker.
Simultaneously, Teja is expected to work with Nandamuri Balakrishna on the much-anticipated biopic of Tollywood – ‘NTR’. And, Venkatesh will also be working on Telugu remake of super-hit Kollywood flick ‘Vikram-Vedha’.