9-yr-old Girl’s Surprising Letter to President


9-yr-old little girl Sofia is young news-maker as her surprising letter to US President Barack Obama became talking point. In her letter to Mr Obama, Sofia questioned why US currency didn’t feature women at all.

School going Sofia read about Ann Hutchinson and returned home wondering why prominent women are missed and only popular men have place on US currency. Sofia pointed out at the absence of women like Ann Hutchinson, Rosa Parks and etc on US currency who made difference to US and world.

Sofia’s letter written last year did not receive any response for a long time from the White House. However, she received a surprise when a reply to her mail arrived. That too from President Barack Obama no less! Mr Obama appreciated Sofia for her letter and her thoughts. He encouraged her to study further and make a difference to the lives of people through her work and actions.

Sofia’s letter has already gone viral. Obama promised her that he would take notice of the issue pointed by her and try and bring in a change that will provide the opportunity to have faces of prominent women on US currency. What’s interesting is that Obama has invited Sofia to the annual White House Easter Egg Roll.