Powerstar Pawan Kalyan’s much awaited film, Sardaar Gabbar Singh is now a hot cake in the trade. According to the film circles, the movie’s pre-release business would be up to 95 Crores. Looking at the prices being quoted by the makers and what distributors are ready to offer, The film could go for 30 Cr in Andhra, 20 Cr in Nizam, 10 Cr in Ceeded, 10 Cr in overseas and rest of India for 8 Crore, which is coming up to 78 Cr Pre-release business.
When we include the satellite rights, dubbing rights and audio rights, the figure will be around 95 Crores. However, it is only next to Baahubali and Srimanthudu. On the other hand, Pawan Kalyan has wrapped up the latest schedule of Sardaar yesterday, in Hyderabad and the team will soon be moving to Kerala for its next schedule. The film was till now shot in different locales of Gujarat and Hyderabad. 95 Crores Pre-Release Business For Pawan Kalyan’s Sardaar Gabbar Singh? If everything go as per the plans, Sardaar Gabbar Singh will release on 8 April.
Kajal Aggarwal is playing the female lead and she is said to be playing a princess, who elopes from the palace and lives a normal life in the village and that’s where she happens to meet Sardaar. Sanjjana and Lakshmi Raai are the other female leads. Directed by Bobby, Sardaar Gabbar Singh is being bank rolled by Sharrath Marar of North star Entertainments and Eros International. Stay tuned for more updates.