Fire brand Cong leader Renuka Chowdhary from Khamam this time spit venom on her party’s telangana MPs who are blasting CM Kiran Kumar Reddy for his statements on Telangana and more importantly his handling of T-March. They said it was CM who is responsible for the violence that erupted during the march. They said CM insulted by blocking all ways of communication so that no one could attend the march. MPs took on CM branding him as impotent and even terming him as telangana traitor for his statement that
Telangana can not be formed to serve political interests of all and sundry.
However Renuka Chowdhary and Jagga Reddy decided to tear upon the T MPs. They dared to utter all these words in front of Cong High Command rather than in front of local media. The two questioned if they are really fighting for telangana they should not shout in local streets but show their strength if they have any in front of Sonia Gandhi and Cong high command.
Renukha Chowdhary went a step ahead and said if T MPs don’t stop she will expose them and their vested interest in front of media. Jagga Reddy said he will ask high command to throw out MPs like Ponnam Prabhakar and Madhu Yashki for encouraging violence in Hyderabad. They wondered what business T MPs got in the state when they were asked to represent peoples problems in Delhi.