Top director Raghavendra Rao is hailed as the most creative commercial director. Many movie lovers and critics feel that he beautifies films with commercial elements and shows all heroines in a stunningly extraordinary manner. Long time back during his media interactions on his ‘Adaviramudu’ starring NTR turning super hit, he said even he knew the film’s story and script doesn’t make any sense logically. He went on to say he is making such logic less films as people are watching them and making them a hit.
Raghavendra Rao is more concerned about turning the film into a super hit and for that to happen he is not even bothered to include commercial elements irrespective of the project being a mythological, social, family or historical venture. That was the reason why even devotional films under his direction have extreme romance and cheap comedy scenes.
Even when his devotional films like Pandurangadu and Sri Ramadasu did not well due to these extreme elements he is not concerned. Even when movie lovers rejected Raghavendra Rao’s theory of having commercial values in devotional entertainers, he loaded his latest film ‘Shirdi Sai’ starring Nagarjuna with the same elements like cheap dialogues in the name of comedy which resulted in the film sinking without a trace on silverscreen.