Amy Jackson who is all set to sizzle on the Telugu screen with Ram Charan’s ‘Yevadu’ was in a relationship with her Bollywood actor and ‘Ek Deewana Tha’ co-star Prateik Babbar until recently. The couple were even spotted locking lips in public and these pictures have been a sensation in the Industry.
Since few months, reports have been in circulation that the actress has parted ways with her boyfriend and found a new guy. Making it true, the seductress posted a picture of herself with her new boyfriend Tom Stockton calling him ‘My Babby T’, while sitting on his lap and posing to kiss him. Seems like the time allotted for Prateik has ended and Tom will take charge from now.
On the film front, Amy Jackson have been part of two big projects that will be hitting screens soon. While ‘Yevadu’ would be in theatres by July 25th, Vikram-Shankar’s ‘I’ will be arriving for Diwali this year. Both these big ticket films are crucial for the career of this hottie!