Noted designer Neeta Lulla who had earlier worked for films like ‘Jodha Akhbar’ has designed the look and costumes of Anushka in this prestigious movie. Especially, Rs 5 crore worth jewellery consisting of gold & diamonds has been used to elevate the role of princess Rani Rudrama Devi.
When asked why he had shelled out so many crores for costumes alone, Gunasekhar who is very happy with the way the film has shaped up confidently replied,”The jewellery which was designed for Anushka’s role will be more popular than that of Aishwarya Rai’s in Jodha Akhbar.”
‘Rudrama Devi’ is going to be the first historical film shot in 3D format. About 35% of the shooting has been wrapped up by now and the entire talkie will be done by December this year. The next schedule would begin from July 3rd in a specially erected set at Annapurna Studios. The film also stars Rana, Krishnam Raju, Prakash Raj, Suman, Baba Sehgal, Nathalia Kaur, Hamsa Nandini and few others. Music of the film is by Ilayaraja, Art Direction by Thota Tharani, Costumes by Neeta Lulla and Cinematography by Ajay Vincent. Lets see if this Rs 40 crore film sets the cash registers ringing!