The first look of the much awaited Mahesh Babu – Venkatesh starrer Seethamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu is out. It is superstar Mahesh Babu’s birthday tomorrow and the pictures were released as a birthday gift for Mahesh’s fans. Actor Venkatesh was the first to wish Mahesh. “Happy birthday to my brother Mahesh Babu,” read a note signed by Venky. It is going to be a special birthday for Mahesh Babu as this will be the first time he will be celebrating with his daughter Sitara who was born three weeks ago. The first look invoked superb response from fans and movie enthusiasts.
The shooting of the movie is progressing at brisk pace. The next schedule of the movie will began in Hyderabad from August 11th and later will shift to Chennai from 16th.