Bollywood is abuzz with unconfirmed reports that a longplanned surrogate baby, due in July, was born to Bollywood’s Baadshah Shah Rukh Khan and his wife Gauri, (both in their late forties) in the first week of June. Sources said the baby, a boy, was born premature.
The surrogate mother, said to be a close relative of Gauri is currently under care at Mumbai’s Breach Candy hospital following complications, with some reports indicating that IVF and infertility specialist Dr Indira Hinduja had been instrumental in giving Bollywood’s first couple their third baby.
Shah Rukh and Gauri have been married for the past 22 years, even before his Bollywood debut film Deewana in 1992. They have a son Aryan, 15, and a daughter Suhana, 13.
A special bash for their third baby is planned and invitations to family and friends sent out. While no visitors are being welcomed at the hospital, Shah Rukh’s Bandra home is being readied for the baby’s arrival.
Faced with the risks of having a child at her age, Gauri opted for surrogacy, consulting the same doctor that Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao did.
Aamir and Kiran’s child, Azad Rao Khan was born through a surrogate mother in December 2011.
Shah Rukh and Gauri reportedly planned their baby when the star was shooting for Chennai Express in 2012.