Kavuri, who arrived here on Friday, made some vital remarks on the occasion. He said he had no objection to whatever be the decision of the High Command on Telangana. As against his strong opposition to creation of Telangana earlier, Kavuri said he would abide by the decision of the party High Command on the matter.
Stating that it was for the High Command to decide on the issue, Kavuri said one has to compromise on certain issues. He said he would not be able to think like a sarpanch after becoming a Union minister. He said he would abide by the decision of the Central government, whether it was for Telangana or against. He thanked Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Congress president Sonia Gandhi for inducting him into the Union Cabinet.
Responding to a question, Kavuri denied that he got union minister post by threatening to quit the party. He claimed that the High Command gave him the post after examining his qualifications. He said there was need for strengthening the party in the State. About the plight of handloom weavers, he said he would strive to constitute a special fund for their welfare.
Earlier, Kavuri was given a warm reception on arrival by his supporters and party workers.