Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy on Thursday held a review meeting on the relief works going on at Uttarakhand. He directed his cabinet colleagues to participate directly in the rescue operations at Uttarakhand to save the pilgrims. Ministers Sridhar Babu and Uttam Kumar Reddy participated in the review meeting.
It is learnt that officials found addresses of 278 AP pilgrims found missing in Uttarakhand. Of the missing persons, 153 are from Hyderabad, 68 from Ranga Reddy, 19 from Karimnagar, 10 each from Vizag, Kadapa, Chittoor, six from Guntur, three each from West Godavari, Anantapur and two from Nizamabad. The state government has decided to send photographs of missing Telugu pilgrims to Uttarakhand government.