Tamil hero Karthi’s upcoming movie ‘Sakuni’ is expected to take pot shots at some current affairs. The movie is a political satire that involves top level politicians that depict some real life politicians of South India.
Among all, the movie is having a special track developed about a heroine and her political entry through fraudulent means, says a source. Yesteryear heroine Radhika is playing this role to create sweat among the present aged heroines who are into politics. While some are saying it is targeted against Jayalalitha, few say that the inspiration behind this character is Telugu heroine Roja.
Sources say that Censor Board has got some strict instructions from Political leaders to carefully check every dialogue of this movie before giving it a certificate. If one expects this movie to be a ‘Oke Okkadu’ kind of, there is more than that from ‘Sakuni’, says an unit member. Wait for few more weeks to know the actual.