Natasimha Nandamuri Balakrishna is acting as main lead in the movie ‘Srimannarayana’ directed by Ravi Chavali under the banner Yellow flowers by Ramesh Puppala and the movie unit currently shooting in Malaysia. A song and a fight on Balakrishna will be shot in this schedule.
The schedule will go on till 9th of this month and with this, the movie will be complete except for one song and some patch work. This movie is touted to be a power full message oriented action entertainer in which Balakrishna plays a rebellious journalist. For this movie cinematography is by T.Surender Reddy and music is by Chakri. Dialogs are by Ghatikachalam.
Parvati Melton and Isha Chawla are the female leads in Srimanarayana and it is expected to be released in the month of August.