Mega Power Star Ram Charan’s latest movie Racha has completed 50 days in 127 centers across the state. The movie got some excellent collections in the opening weeks and is currently ranked at third in all time Top 5 Biggest hits in Tollywood. The movie is the biggest hit of the year so far (Gabbar Singh not considered as full run not completed). The makers are planning a grand celebration to celebrate this event. Full details are yet to be known.
Tamannah has played the female lead in the movie. ‘Emaindhi Eevela’ fame Sampath Nandi had directed the movie while RB Choudary, NV Prasad and Paras Jain had jointly produced the movie. Mani Sharma has composed the music.
Area Wise Break Up:
Ceded 38
Nizam 16
Ceded 38
Nellore 09
East Godavari 11
West Godavari 08
Krishna 08
Guntur 13
Vizag 24
Total 127