Allari Naresh starrer Action 3D is all set for release this Friday. The movie will be screened in 150 theatres with 3D format in Andhra Pradesh. This will be the first film to come with 3D format in AP. But there are several theatres in Andhra with no 3D facility. So the producers have come up with an idea that of the 150 theatres, 60 screens will have the film in original 3D projection and in the rest 90 theatres the audiences will see the film in Anaglyph 3D glasses. This will give a 3D experience to the audience viewing the film.
One of the producers of �Dookudu�, Anil Sunkara is making his directorial debut with �Action 3D�. Also ace choreographer Raju Sundaram is doing a full-fledged role in this film after a huge gap. �Godava� fame Vaibhav, Kamna Jethmalani, Sneha Ullal and Neelam Upadhyaya will be seen in other lead roles. This film is assumed to be the first �3D� comedy film in India.