CBI officials conducted raids on veteran filmmaker, distributor and former Union Minister Dasari Narayana Rao’s house and offices on Tuesday in connection with the coal scam issue. They will be questioning Dasari more on the issue and a charge sheet is also filed. As per the inner reports, Dasari followers are claiming Mega Star Chiranjeevi as man behind these CBI attacks.
Chiru is currently playing active role in Congress Politics. There is rivalry between Chiru and Dasari since ages. “While Dasari is trying to maintain healthy relationship with Mega family by attending Mega events and buying their films, Chiru is in no mood to mingle with him. Using the influence of Central Ministry, he made CBI to target Dasari. Truth will come out soon,” say followers of Dasari.
With this scam, the ‘Bobbuli Puli’ maker Dasari is renamed as ‘Boggu Puli’ by media agencies. We need to wait and see how Chiru reacts?