Power Star pawan kalyan has again shown his powerful charisma in tollywood. As per the reports, it is learnt that his upcoming untitled movie’s rights have been sold out to MAA TV for an all time record price of Rs.9 crores. This movie is being directed by Trivikram. Incidentally, we have recently heard that a hero’s movie rights were sold out to a big price. Sources, say it was a fake news. Anyways, whoever wants to create new satellite record of their movie, pawan kalyan sets them the target of Rs.9 crores.
Devi Sri Prasad is scoring the music of the film while Samantha and Pranitha are doing the lady leads of this family and comedy entertainer. The movie is being produced by BVSN Prasad on Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra in association with Reliance Entertainment. The movie is gearing up for release on 7th August.