Stylish Star Allu Arjun is going to join the club of 30 crores through his latest movie in the direction of Trivikram, as far as the pre release businesses are concerned. His latest offering’s theatrical rights for entire A.P. was bought by Dasari Narayana Rao’s Siri Media for a whopping amount Rs.23 crores. If the rights of Karnataka, Kerala, other states and Overseas are added, his movie can easily cross the pre release mark of 30 crores.
Earlier, Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s ‘Komaram Puli’, ‘Teenmaar’ and ‘Panjaa’ movies crossed the mark of 30 crores pre release business. Prince Mahesh Babu’s ‘Khaleja’, ‘Dookudu’ and ‘Businessman’, Young Tiger Jr.NTR’s ‘Shakthi’ and ‘Oosaravelli’, Mega Power Star Ram Charan’s ‘Magadheera’ and ‘Orange’ movies crossed the business of Rs.30 crores. And now, Allu Arjun has achieved the rare feat of joining the above list after Pawan Kalyan, Mahesh Babu, Jr.NTR and Ram Charan.