Power Star Pawan Kalyan earlier, has given his nod to act in the direction of Veeru Potla, who came to limelight through his successful movies like, ‘Bindaas’ and ‘Ragada’. However, all of a sudden Pawan Kalyan has been replaced by hero Ram. As per the official news, Pawan Kalyan said ‘no’ to the director as he didn’t like the story line.
Is it really true or any story behind it? As per our sources it has been known that Pawan Kalyan has deliberately rejected to do this project. If we reveal the name of producer of this movie, you can definitely catch the complete story and the producer is none other than ‘Anil Sunkara’, who produced the super hit of the year, ‘Dookudu’ last year. Till the release of ‘Dookudu’, Pawan Kalyan had good impression on the producer and gave his acceptance to do the project in Anil Sunkara’s own production house, ‘AK Entertainments in the direction of Veeru Potla. However, recent tiffs between the producer and Mega family changed the entire scenario and now the producer is turned out to be a rival for Mega family. This is the story behind Pawan Kayan’s rejecting the project folks.