The CBI special court has adjourned hearing of CBI’s petition seeking the custody of former ministers Dharmana Prasada Rao and Sabita Indra Reddy to June 19.
It may be recalled that CBI has filed a memo seeking judicial custody of Dharmana and Sabita who are facing charges of involvement in the disproportionate assets case of the YSR Congress chief Y S Jaganmohan Reddy. The agency said in its memo that the two might tamper with evidence if allowed to remain outside. CBI also submitted CDs of the press conferences of the two, in which they said they were innocent and expressed confidence of coming out clean. Questioning how they could say they could come out clean when the matter was before a court, CBI argued that this amounted to contempt of the judiciary.
The memo came up for hearing on Wednesday and the high court posted further hearing to June 19.