Giribabu is one of the senior most and sensible artist in Telugu film industry. The actor who started his career in negative roles is still in demand as a character artist. As a director he was able to earn some victories while movies like ‘Simha Garjana’, ‘Merupu Dadi’, ‘Rana Rangam’ showed his stamina as a director. After the making of ‘Ni Sukhamei Nenu Korukunna’ he never wielded the megaphone, but now the actor is planning to be back on director’s chair once again.
Giri Babu has already finalized on the story for this and is planning to take it to sets in 2014. “As an actor my journey has been successful, I am still getting some good roles. I have finalized a story since many have asked me to direct a movie and will be revealing the details shortly,” said Giri Babu.