The total domination of TDP and YSRCP parties in Andhra Pradesh Assembly followed by BJP has put other stalwarts in a tight dock, especially Congress and Communists. It must be said that the CBN led and Jagan led parties are the key units in that state.
Recently, CPI leader Ramakrishna was arrested in Ananthapur when he was leading a protest demanding separate status for AP as promised by ruling party before elections. He was not just taken in custody but was reportedly put to much inconvenience.
Recently, Jagan raised this issue in Assembly saying TDP government arrested him just because he wanted to know about special status issue progress and his contingent walked out in protest. Today, CPI thanked Jagan for taking up their issue as they have no representation in Assembly.
This is fine but for poor Congress party, there is no close friend in Assembly to raise such issues when they are also facing such arrests during protests.