In the picture is Powerstar Pawan Kalyan with his daughter Aadhya. The picture was taken at GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam (Srikakulam). Pawan Kalyan visited the college on the invitation of the management couple of months ago and his daughter Aadhya accompanied him to there.
In the picture he was writing a message in the college Guest book as his daughter watches. Remaining people in the picture are the college staff. It is said that the college students competed against each other to watch the Powerstar.
The star actor gave some of them autograph and even delivered a motivating speech later. The actual reason behind the visit is not revealed. It is known that Aadhya is the second child of Pawan Kalyan and Renu Desai.
Akhira and Aadhya were living with their mother after the couple divorced. Pawan Kalyan moved on in life after marrying another lady, Anna Lehenzva and even had a daughter with her.
Renu Desai remained in Pune trying hand in direction and grooming the children. However it is said that Pawan Kalyan still stay in touch with Renu and the children even after the divorce.