Actor-turned-Jana Sena Party founder Pawan Kalyan made clear his political ambitions by stating that his party would contest all the coming elections including bypolls, if any. He told media on Friday that Jana Sena was still in the formative stage.
However, the party would contest in the coming elections if any. This was mainly for gaining political experience as his Jana Sena is still in the formative stage and try to acquire a firm foothold. He also declared that he would test his party’s political fortunes by contesting the coming elections to GHMC.
But, the question is what Pawan Kalyan would gain from these “test battles.” Which party does he treat as his main rival – TDP, BJP or YSR Congress party? If he treats all of them as his opponents, where is the party structure to fight the elections?
Can he do the kind of networking a party requires across the length and breadth of the State? What will be his position, if his party fails to win sufficient number of seats and votes in the by-polls or GHMC polls? Well, does Pawan have answers to any of these questions?