Requesting for a special status for Andhra Pradesh, Lok Satta founder, Dr Jayaprakash Narayan is participating in ‘Sankalpa Diksha’ in Visakhapatnam where he spoke to the media. JP found fault with the laments of CBN that there were no funds with Andhra Pradesh.
“How many times has he not gone to Delhi in a special flight? Could he not get special status to AP? This will only make him a laughing stock,” said JP. He also questioned spending crores of rupees on refurbishing CBN’s camp office calling it an unforgivable waste of tax payer’s money at this juncture.
Interestingly, JP welcomed the statements of Pawan Kalyan the latter made in his tour of the villages affected by the new capital.
In the past also, JP had supported Pawan Kalyan despite the latter pulling out at the last minute for campaigning for JP in Malkajgiri. Contemporary political parties only indulging in vote bank and money bank politics criticized JP.