Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao told on Friday that his assert during the discussion for a separate state, of Telangana becoming a “rich and revenue surplus” state if split from AP, had been turned out true by the 14th Finance Commission
Mr Chandrasekhar Rao said that the Commission had announced Telangana and Gujarat as “revenue surplus states” currently in its report build on which the Telangana government would currently seek special consent from the Centre for obtaining double the loans from prevailing provisions from different funding agencies by relaxing the FRBM norms.
Telangana Chief Minister told that the government would not force power cuts in the state for now since the supply-demand condition was “satisfactory” and a determination on this would be taken after examining the power condition in March.
He continued that the government had determined to buy power from the open market by spending whatever amount was required to meet the summer demand. “At present, we are purchasing 300 MW power from the open market. The current power availability in the state is 4,300 MW. Another 2,000 MW will be added by this year end. By 2018, the state will become ‘power surpluses,” he said.