Many years ago, Ram Gopal Varma announced on Twitter that he will be making short films starring Prakash Raj. The director even said that he will make 9 shorts films with Prakash Raj based on the concept of Navarasas. The eccentric director even stated that these films will be a perfect guide for those who aspire to become actors.
As usual, those films never took off and both RGV and Prakash Raj went on to work in their respective projects. Finally, both these mavericks have teamed up for the first time in the director’s latest action thriller titled Attack.
The film’s intense first look stills have been released through media and have been appreciated by everyone for their intensity. Many are opining that RGV will definitely bounce back to his lost form with this flick as he is not compromising in any stage and is making the film with utmost care. Let us wait for the final output.