The Telangana government has sanctioned Rs 6 crore to meet the expenditure for the gold offerings to five temples. The offerings will be made to Venkateswara Swami in Tirupati, Bhadrakali at Warangal, Kanakadurga at Vijayawada, Padmavathi at Tiruchanur and Korivi Veerabhadra Swami in Warangal.
Now, three of the above temples are located in Andhra Pradesh. Normally, there should not be any problem in accepting offerings from devotees. But KCR terms the offerings as a thanks giving gesture after attaining statehood for Telangana. Now no Andhra person in his right mind would have supported the bifurcation of the State.
So, accepting KCR’s offerings would be tantamount to rejoicing in KCR’s success. Some people may say that it is not right to involve the Gods as well in politics. But then, is KCR not developing Yadagirigutta as a challenge to Tirupati rather than based on Bhakti?