A minutes video of the CM Camp office taken by KCR’s Grandson showing the Telangana CM KCR playing with him as he moves from his chamber to the office downstairs through the lift, triggered a big row on the social media. The video also contained KCR’s wife and sister.
Some portions of the video like the way the children addressed the CM’s security guards were criticized by the netizens. Also many are of the opinion that uploading a video of CM camp office interiors is a huge security concern since it will give an idea of the Camp office interiors.
Officials were alerted after it created a huge uproar and then they made it sure that the video is removed from all the social networking sites, websites and forums. Since the video was leaked by KCR’s family members itself, there is no such legal action regarding this leak.
There were also those who criticised the way the children were addressing the security guards.The video clip was taken down from various sites and forums in the last 48 hours.