On August 11, 2014, PM Narendra Modi raised a question to the Union ministry of law and justice in a legislative assembly of Lok Sabha. Six months and 13 days later, the question yet stays unanswered.
So, what did he inquire? As per the Lok Sabha website, the six-part un starred question (No. 4604) related to the insertion of parents’ name in documents.
While Union minister Ravi Shankar Prasad, who then held the law and justice position too along with communication and information technology, did answered to the question as per protocol and stated that “information is being collected and will be laid on the Table of the House”.
The query, thereafter, appears to have been easily forgotten. As per Parliament of India website, an un starred question is one which is not called for oral answer in the House and on which no supplementary questions can consequently be asked.
Apart from Narendra Modi, the similar question was, by chance, also posed by Trinamool Congress MP, Saumitra Khan. A written answer is laid on the Table after the Question Hour by the minister to whom it is addressed.