The Janasena party Chief and Power Star of Tollywood, Pawan Kalyan, who has been muted for a very long time about the political scenes that have heated up as the budget session is nearing now silently blasts out.
Pawan Kalyan expresses his grief about the poll promises of the TDP-BJP alliance during the polls that are being delayed to implement. Pawan pledged of supporting the TDP-BJP alliance fully campaigned for the victory in his own style. After Pawan played an important role in the poll results, TDP has always separate respect and love for Pawan.
However, after 10 months of rule Pawan finally broke the silence and spoke about the grant of Special Status to AP that is being delayed by the BJP. Writing his demand and hinting TDP about BJP’s moves, he tweeted “It’s responsibility of AP state government to see to it that farmers, agrarian sector and its allied lives would not suffer.
Government should take measures such that farmers wouldn’t shed tears. Else it will have to face their angry. A lot of people have trusted TDP and BJP combine and offered them power. I hope they will live up to the people’s trust.” However, this seems to be a warning to BJP and hint to TDP about BJP’s careless moves about Andhra Pradesh! What do you think?