Many people feel that verdict of Delhi elections make Telugu people happy in Andhra Pradesh. CBN has regularly met with TDP MLAs on every Saturday to know their opinions. Due to having visit to Visakhapatnam to attend the marriage of son of the minister Ayyannapathrudu, CBN asked the Krishna district MLAs to meet him.
During their discussion, Krishna district MLAs told to CBN that Delhi Elections made the Telugu people happy. AAP victory will control BJP at Centre. Some of the MLAs said Kejriwal victory is good sign to the national politics.
It will change the attitude of BJP towards AP in fulfilling the promises. Chief Minister CBN has expressed different opinion against MLA’s on Kejriwal victory. TDP MLAs were shocked after hearing CBN opinion. Many local factors worked for AAP victory in Delhi.
He said that entire world considered Modi as strong leader. At this time, it’s not correct to circulate the opinion of Modi is weakening to the world. CBN also said that many investments will come into the nation. Growth rate will increase rapidly in India.
CBN told, “You have to think Delhi verdict in another way”. TDP has to wait patiently on Union Government’s help for the development of the state.