Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu recently developed a strong liking for Vaastu. Earlier he renovated a block in AP secretariat for office and later left it as it is not Vaastu compliant. There are several instances in recent times where Chandrababu wasted big money due to Vaastu changes.
While all these are on one side, we all know that the state government has planned a Temporary Capital at Amaravathi Township and is planning to shift there. Already good amount of money is spend to appoint a consultant for preparing the Master Plan of Temporary Capital.
But now the state government is planning to put the entire Temporary Capital on a hold. It is said that Chandrababu has come to the opinion that they should wait till Singapore Team submits the Master Plan of the State Capital as there is a chance that the Temporary Capital will clash with the Master Plan of the Capital.
In such case the 200 Crore spent on the Temporary Capital will go wasted. So government is planning to put the idea on hold. If at all the government had come up with this idea couple of months ago, such move would have saved lot of money and time of the government.
Such delayed tactics is only a sheer waste of public money which is detrimental to the state already being bogged by the severe financial crunch.