Following the suit of various Telugu celebs including Megastar Chiranjeevi in the first season and star heroines like Samantha in the second season, young and happening super star Ram Charan has took it to hot seat the other day.
He will be seen playing the game show “Meelo Evaru Koteeswarudu” with host, King Nagarjuna, to win his ‘money’. Of course, for Charan there are no movies releasing and he is not there to promote himself. It’s just a gesture of attending Nagarjuna’s show.
However, Tamil Superstar Danush says that he should attend this show in order to promote his latest movie ‘Anekudu’ (Anegan in Tamil) along with director KV Anand.
No wonder, Meelo Evaru Koteeswarudu is becoming the ‘Big Boss’ and ‘Comedy Nights With Kapil’ of Telugu film industry where we notice film star’s promoting their movies. Charan stated the other day, he has some pleasant and surprising things for his fans which he revealed to Nagarjuna on the show.
However, we will not be seeing Charan’s episode earlier than Danush’s episode, because Danush’s Anekudu is likely to release on February 13th.